Understand the “Power” of Networking in Business & Career

If you have ever been in a business or search for employment, you have heard the word “networking” thrown around as being an important part of your business development and job search. You are encouraged to attend networking events and polish off formulate your “elevator speech” to fire it at any human being within a 3 arms length away from you. The goal is to meet new people you hope are looking for your skills (for a job) or looking to do business with you.

What type of results do you think you will achieve with these events? What is your mental focus when you attend these events..just to place your business card in people’s hands or to truly make an authentic connection that lasts? Do you think the other attendees have the same wants and needs that you do? These are just some of the questions you should ask before even attending.

I recently started reading the book, Networking is Not Working by Derek Coburn which give a completely different perspective on networking in general. I learned that our mindset and intention when going to networking event is extremely vital to the efficiency of networking results. Every deliberate result starts with a thorough plan of action and purposeful execution, so your networking efforts should be no different.

When attending these events, go with the mindset of actually making a genuine connection with a few people and continue to keep in contact for mutually beneficial results. It is not always about what you can get from a person, but it is also what you can give that provides value to them personally and professionally. You must take the time to get to know their basics, by listening. I don’t mean just let people talk, I mean really listen. Listen for wants, needs, desires, wishes, voice tone, how they communicate about specific topics and their non verbal queues. You’d be surprised what people will divulge if you just really listen, then offer support. This is where true networking begins.

Networking can help you cross over into another industry and make connections you wouldn’t make otherwise. If you’re looking to make that transition and still don’t have a concrete plan, check out my FREE Resource while it is still FREE here.

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