Applying for jobs online can be a pain…


I can certainly understand exactly the level of frustration in that statement and the tedious task of applying for jobs online these days. Trust me, I understand and want to give a few tips and tricks to make this process as painless as possible.

Please understand that most employers are using applicant tracking systems (ATS) to process their applications and cutting down on the amount of candidates who will get to the interview process. It helps to have the right career tools, such as your resume, cover letter and letters of recommendations already prepared to help you move the application process along.

If you do not have any of these career tools or need help with getting them completed, please check out this resource to get your career tools completed, so you can get more efficient with your job application processes online. If you do have your career tools completed, then use it in the following ways.

-Save the full resume in Notepad version

-Upload this version of your resume to the ATS for the jobs you are applying for

-Create a different resume for every industry you have more than one year experience working

If you struggle with getting your career tools (your resume) to get you the desired result (a callback from an employer with an interview), then check out check out my other resource where you can have your career tools reviewed and updated, so they can produce the desired results.

If you have general career focused questions? Contact me here. You can leave me a voicemail or email message and I will return your voicemail or email within 24 hours.

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