Salary Negotiations is a Viable Skill when looking for a job You will need to learn the importance of attaining negotiation skills in your career and in your overall economic life. Using negotiation skills can make the difference with you giving yourself a raise or loose money with your new salary. To learn how to use #salarynegotiation skills and strategies, let's work one-on-one by going … Continue reading Salary Negotiations is a Viable Skill when looking for a job

Time Gaps in Your Employment & How to Handle Them in an Interview We've all either had or know someone who experienced gaps in their #employment history. The only time it become a concern is during a may not be prepared with the proper response to this question. It's extremely important to be fully confident and prepared in responding to these and other fact finding … Continue reading Time Gaps in Your Employment & How to Handle Them in an Interview

Two Interview mistakes to AVOID…if you want the job Whether you are just starting out in your career or a seasoned professional, mistakes are bound to happen. You do your best in every professional interaction, but we are all human at the end of the day. There are some mistake that you should do your best to avoid, especially when it comes to … Continue reading Two Interview mistakes to AVOID…if you want the job